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Communicable Disease Prevention Plan

A communicable disease is an illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxic product that can be transmitted in a workplace from one person to another. Examples of communicable disease that may circulate in a workplace include COVID-19, norovirus, and seasonal influenza.

There is no evidence that Covid-19 can be spread to humans through pool water. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with Chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs spas, should inactivate the virus that causes Covid-19. Appropriate care should be taken both in and outside the pool to protect yourself and others

To maintain the health and safety of all of our swimmers, instructors and participants, 947 Swim has implemented the following policy and procedures through guidelines from Vancouver Coastal Health (Guidelines for Pools), Work safe B.C , Lifesaving Society of B.C, BC Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA), and the BC Centre for Disease Control. Both 947 Swim owner, instructors and facility operator's and 947 Swim participants will have a role of responsibility in the success of our Communicable Disease Prevention Plan.

Responsibility of 947 Swim


Facility Operators

  • Will provide visible pool rule signage to help maintain the safety of participants and instructors.

  • Maintain pool chemicals at levels prescribed by the BC Health Act for Pools, and records of pool tests during 947 Swim operational hours.

  • Provide a heated outdoor shower with soap dispenser for participants and instructors to rinse in a "timely manner" before and after each session.

  • Plan ahead to ensure adequate supplies to support hand hygiene behaviors and routine cleaning of objects and surfaces.


Program Instructors

  • Use the Daily Health Check for all participants and instructors to perform prior to their daily lesson for Covid-19 or a Communicable Disease. If any participant/or instructor is sick, or has been travelling, or has come into direct contact with someone who has been ill, participants/or instructors will be asked to cancel their lesson.

  • Swim lesson ratios have been reduced  depending on each class and level offered.

  • Will be limiting class size ratios for Swim Lessons and Aqua Fit classes to ensure physical distancing recommendations.

  • Limit viewing to one accompanying parent. Additional siblings or children that are not in lessons, will not be permitted on pool deck.

  • Will act in case of emergencies the standards outlined by the Lifesaving Society of BC to safely provide first aid and resuscitation that reduce the risk of Communicable Diseases.

Responsibility of 947 Swim Participant(s)


  • Must have registered online and have read the 947 Swim Communicable Disease Prevention Plan and sign the Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability/Covid-19 prior to their lesson set.

  • Arrive on time and wait outside the gate until your scheduled time.

  • Follow all pool rules and signage to maintain safety of all instructors and participants.

  • All participants must shower before and after lessons.

  • All participants must wear their own goggles that have a proper seal on their face.

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