NEW! Lifesaving Society Swim For Life Program
947 Swim is an affiliate of the Lifesaving Society offering the Swim For Life Program. You will find information on the new program below. Please use our Equivalency Chart provided to ensure that your child is registered in the appropriate level. If you have registered with 947 Swim previously, or you are unsure of which level to register, please email to obtain your child's previous swim level history prior to registration day.

BEGINNER: Swimmer 1 and 2
@Snug Point Pool
Swimmer 1: May have completed Preschool Beginner
These beginners will learn become comfortable jumping into the water with and without a PFD. They’ll also learn how to open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. Floats, glides and kicking skills are introduced.
Swimmer 2: Must have completed Swimmer 1
These swimmers will jump into deeper water and learn to be comfortable falling sideways into the water wearing a PFD. They’ll learn how to tread water, develop kicking skills, and will be introduced to front crawl and back crawl.

INTERMEDIATE: Swimmer 3 and 4
@Tunstall Bay Pool

Swimmer 3: Must have completed Swimmer 2
These swimmers will learn how to dive and will do in-water somersaults and handstands to develop weight-transfer skills. They’ll learn Swim to Survive® skills, whip kick on back and will further develop their front crawl and back crawl.
Swimmer 4: Must have completed Swimmer 3
These swimmers will become better at diving, treading water, and swimming underwater. They’ll learn the Swim to Survive® standard and start to develop breaststroke. Front crawl and back crawl are further developed.

ADVANCED: Swimmer 5 and 6
@Tunstall Bay Pool

Swimmer 5: Must have completed Swimmer 4
These swimmers will master dives and swimming in deep water. They’ll further their Swim to Survive® skills and start to develop eggbeater kick. Breaststroke, front crawl, and back crawl are further developed. Interval training and sprinting drills continue to challenge these swimmers.
Swimmer 6: Must have completed Swimmer 5
These swimmers will become proficient at deep water skills including stride entries and compact jumps. They’ll develop lifesaving kicks such as eggbeater and scissor kick. Breaststroke, front crawl, and back crawl are further developed. Head-up swims, interval training and a 300m workout develop strength and endurance.